Acupuncture for Auto Accidents

Acupuncture for Auto Accidents

Acupuncture for auto accidents provides effective pain relief.

Most people understand that auto accidents impact people on various levels, harming them both physically and psychologically. Acupuncture for auto accidents or auto injuries works to eliminate the back, neck and muscular/skeletal pain associated with an auto collision. It also alleviates the deep-seated, long-term implications of car accidents.  These include elevated anxiety and fear, and subsequently, a weakened immune system. The shock and trauma of a car accident leaves an indelible mark on the soul’s psyche. Chinese Medicine works to treat the immediate, physical reactions.  But it also treats the more complicated, less visible emotional and psychological responses.

“I once had a patient whose auto injuries—specifically, neck issues—we resolved. Later, we found that her immune system weakened each year around the time of her past auto accident.  As a result she began to suffer from frequent colds. Her body—her whole body—remembered the trauma.  And, in the process, her immune system was compromised, causing her to catch colds frequently. We were able to recognize the trauma and grief behind her colds.  Thus, we could clear her grief, strengthen her immune system and keep her healthy for the long term.” — Lisa Francolini, L.Ac., owner of Riverwest Acupuncture

Acupuncture understands the varying and complex ways auto accidents impact people. Long-term auto-related injuries are often unrecognized and disconnected from what caused them to begin with (the accident). And so we work to bring awareness around the actual roots so that we may give you relief, healing and recovery that helps you today and for years to come.

Acupuncture for auto accidents is covered by your auto insurance.

Please note that Oregon State Law requires that insured drivers have at least $15,000 in PIP coverage for the driver and all passengers in his/her car; the coverage is good for one year after the collision. An interesting thing from our perspective is, by Oregon State Law, it is your insurance company that we as a provider must bill for auto-related injuries, not the insurance company of the other driver involved in the accident, regardless of fault. The insurance companies will work out who is actually responsible for payment behind the scenes, without your involvement. Just know this: As long as you’re auto-insured, you, and your health, are covered.

Handy auto accident guide.

One of the things that happens when an accident occurs, is that in that moment, we forget what we should do. Here is a Auto Accident Guide  that you can print out and keep in your car glove box. If you are involved in a car accident, use this Traffic Accident Checklist to assist you in protecting yourself. Sheldon Aronson, who is an attorney specializing in auto accident injuries prepared this as a complimentary service.

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