Acupuncture and Nutrition: Foundation of Preventing Disease
Our current Western Medicine health care model doesn’t put much emphasis on preventative medicine. I don’t find that it puts much emphasis on getting to the root of problems. And it certainly has not adopted a policy around using nutrition to cure patient’s ailments. In my clinic, acupuncture and nutrition account for a major portion of how we do preventative medicine.
One definition of preventive medicine is “the part of medicine engaged with preventing disease rather than curing it.” In Chinese medicine, acupuncture and nutrition are considered the first line of defense in acupuncture. Since it provides the energy needed for the body to function, it is an integral piece. Good nutrition not only provides energy, it also provides the basic building blocks, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants that keep the body healthy and vibrant.
New Year Resolutions to Eat Better
Since we just saw the New Year arrive, many patients have made resolutions around eating healthier. Truth be told, I have similar resolutions on my list this year. I want to elevate my health and wellness through a variety of sustainable, prudent lifestyle choices. Namely, I want to improve mental clarity, I want to eat healthier and I resolve to better my emotional – and subsequently – my physical well-being.
Nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining physical and emotional wellness. We can help you make simple changes to your diet. Those changes will subsequently impact your daily energy levels and improve your body’s overall functionality.
Common Foods and their healing qualities
Fruits, vegetables and roots – from turmeric to garlic and lemon – can address health concerns across your body’s various systems, from neurological and hormonal to cardiovascular and skeletal. Here are a list of some common foods and how they support our systems.
- Foods rich in omega-3’s (salmon, flax seeds, walnuts, avocado) are widely accepted to improve cardiovascular health and functionality. At the same time, they help to stem the progression of neurological aging. They may even help deter the onset of degenerative memory disorders.
- Apple cider vinegar can quell acid reflux. It has also been studied as a natural approach to cleansing and weight loss. It’s thought the vinegar activates genes involved in breaking down fats more efficiently.
- Turmeric and garlic are natural detoxifiers. They filter toxins effectively that form in the digestive tract.
- Green tea, which we happily pour for clients in our office, is another natural detoxifier. It’s chock full of antioxidants that remove toxins from the body.
- Citrus fruits are natural liver cleansers, acting as a natural maid that turns toxins into digestible material.
- Strawberries aren’t just nature’s candy (especially in Oregon!) – they can aid in the anti-aging process.
- Ginger, although pungent and spicy, is nature’s remedy for nausea and upset stomach.
A healthy diet enhances your acupuncture treatment
A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables such as those discussed above enhance to your acupuncture treatments. Consider this: if you’re receiving treatments for insomnia, you can complement your visits with a diet rich in nuts, dark leafy greens and pumpkin seed. If you’re ailment is inflammation, incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, papaya and pineapple into your diet. If you are concerned with difficulty conceiving or infertility, we can help identify foods that can regulate your hormones (male or female.) And then provide support while you receive treatment for reproductive concerns.
Any time is a great time to tackle your list of healthy lifestyle tweaks. Don’t let them fall by the wayside. When you visit my Portland acupuncture office, you will enjoy more than simply the myriad benefits of acupuncture. We may can help you make changes in your lifestyle to accommodate for and complement the treatments you are receiving.
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Call 503-246-0103 to schedule an appointment.
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