8 Home Remedies for Headache Pain

home remedies for headaches

8 Home Remedies for Headaches

Experiencing a headache when you have a long list of tasks or work ahead of you can really put a damper on your day. If you’re someone who experiences headaches often or gets chronic migraines, then the constant onset of headaches can really take a toll on your overall productivity and enjoyment during your everyday life. But what can you do to reduce the amount of headaches you experience and the amount of throbbing pain they cause? Well, as you may have heard, acupuncture for headaches is one of many effective ways to handle stress headaches and chronic migraines. However, if you’re looking for some other tips, here are 8 home remedies for headaches.  You can incorporate these into your life to help you get through your day headache-free.

1. Lavender

Lavender has long since been known and used as a home remedy for headaches and migraines. Not only does lavender smell wonderful, but it can help alleviate some of the throbbing pain. You can either inhale lavender oil or apply it topically. If choosing to inhale lavender-oil vapors, add two to four drops of oil to every two to three cups of boiling water.

2. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is also known to provide relief from tension headaches. Since headaches and migraines are often due to poor blood flow, the sharp, mint smell of peppermint helps with migraine pain.  It does this by stimulating the vessels and promoting blood flow. Peppermint oil also opens up the sinuses so more oxygen reaches the bloodstream.

3. Scalp Massages

Giving yourself a scalp massage can help to alleviate migraine pain. Massaging the area in the back of the head near the base of your skull can help to reduce pain from tension headaches.

4. Meditation

Not surprisingly, stress creates tension that can cause headaches. However, regular meditation can help to reduce your stress, lowering the number of headaches caused by stress as well.  It also reduces the intensity of headaches.

5. Hot and Cold Pressure

If your headache stems from feelings of neck tightness or a tension headache, then applying heat to the back of the neck or taking a hot shower may help with pain. However, if you are experience a pulsating headache, then apply ice or something cold to your temples. The artery that supplies blood to the part of the brain called the dura sits behind the temple. When you’re experiencing a migraine, the dura becomes inflamed, causing the throbbing sensation you feel. Cooling the temperature of the blood passing to this area can relive some of the pain.

6. Drinking Water

Dehydration can lead to experiencing headaches. Because your brain is made up of 70% of water, the proper consumption of water to maintain optimal cognitive capabilities is necessary. If you are starting to feel an oncoming headache, drink a tall glass of water as soon as possible and continue to drink water throughout the day. Do not drink water that is too cold if you already have a headache because extremely cold water can trigger migraines for some people.

7. Low-Dosage of Caffeine

Drinking a small amount of a caffeinated beverage may help to constrict blood vessels and lessen headache pain. However, consuming caffeine can be a double-edged sword; drinking too much caffeine can have the reverse effect and trigger migraines. Furthermore, if you drink a considerable amount of caffeine each day, such as a large amount of coffee, then you might experience painful headaches from caffeine withdrawal. If attempting to drink a small amount of caffeine to sooth a headache, try substituting with tea, which generally contains less caffeine than coffee.

8. Exercise

Regular exercise can help to prevent migraine headaches as it reduces tension in the body and improves cardiovascular fitness. Just remember to warm up gradually; sudden physical exertion can sometimes trigger migraines in some.

So if you are experiencing headaches often, try these home remedies to find some relief. And to add benefit, consider adding acupuncture for headaches to your treatment plan. For those that experience chronic migraines and tension headaches, acupuncture for headaches can reduce both the frequency and intensity of headaches. In a study published recently in the British Medical Journal, it was found that those that received 12 acupuncture sessions for headaches during a three-month period experienced 22 fewer days with headaches, used 15% less medication, and made 25% fewer visits to the doctor. So if you’re struggling day to day from the onslaught of chronic headaches, consider receiving acupuncture for headaches from RiverWest, and reclaim your days free of headache pain.

To submit an inquiry to one of our professionals, email us at contact@riverwestacupuncture.com.
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